Apex Cheats And Tips To Help You Level Up Fast!


When you first start playing Apex Legends, it can be a little overwhelming. There are numerous characters to choose from, each with its strengths, weaknesses, and unique abilities. You also have to contend with your team as well as the enemy team to level up faster. If you’re looking for some ways to level up in Apex Legends faster, we’ve got you covered!

Double The Rewards While You’re Playing 

A great way to level up faster in Apex Legends is to double the rewards while you’re playing. To do this, you need to link your Origin and PSN/Xbox accounts so that you can earn double the rewards while you play.

The rewards will be added to your account at the end of the week. This is a great way to level up faster while also earning a ton of extra loot. 

Collect Your Weekly Bonus

 Another way that you can level up faster in Apex Legends is by collecting your weekly bonus. Every week, you can earn a bonus in the form of loot. This bonus will be added to your account at the end of the week. This is another great way to earn a ton of loot to help you level up faster.

Complete Daily Quests And Weekly Challenges 

By completing daily quests and weekly challenges, you can level up faster. There are two different types of challenges in this game. Daily challenges are challenges that change every day. Weekly challenges are challenges that are the same every week.

You can only complete one type of challenge per day. If there is more than one challenge available to you, you can choose which one you want to complete. A great way to level up faster in Apex Legends, another Apex Cheats, and a little tip, is by completing these challenges.

There are a ton of them, so we recommend selecting only a few to complete each day. You can check the challenges available to you by going to your profile and clicking Challenges. 

Utilize the Warp Disc 

Another great way to level up faster in Apex Legends is by utilizing the warped disc. The warp disc is a consumable item that you can acquire at level 20. This disc is used to teleport back to the battle bus during a match. You’ll be able to teleport back to the battle bus in 90 seconds.

Although this is a great way to level up faster, it does come at a cost. You’re only allowed to use the warped disc once per match. It’s not a bad idea to save your warp disc for later in the match when you’re trying to get to level 10 quickly.


Apex Legends is a game that you can level up in no matter what your skill level. If you’re new to the game or are struggling to level up, we recommend using the tips we’ve outlined above to help you level up faster in Apex Legends.

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